Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day and More

I do love Valentine's Day! Because it is a day to especially honor the one you love and do fun things for them!

My dear hubby always sends me flowers and I love that! He always send them a day early so they greet me in my office when I walk in on Valentine's Day!

This is what he sent me this year. I LOVE tulips, so that's what he sent! They look so pretty this morning in their bright red vase, and since tulips continue to grow after they are put in water, they will be taller and larger by the end of the week when I take them home! Thanks Babe!! I love them!!!

On another totally unrelated topic (my mind works this way - sorry!), I have a new tattoo! Oh - it's not anywhere on my bod - I think I'd feel silly doing that! I had my eyebrows tattooed on! I have really blonde eyebrows and they never lasted all day when I would pencil them on in the morning. I have had my eyeliner tatooed on for about a year (LOVE that!!) and since the permanent makeup place I go to had a sale in January, what was I to do??!! I went and had my eyeliner touched up and added eyebrows! It is fun to wake up in the morning and have part of my face already on!!

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