Friday, January 04, 2008

This Makes Me Much Better

Aaaahhhhh - breathing through my nose again is sooo sweet!! I finally am feeling like this thing is going away! YEA!!!

To make me feel really good today I got several emails from DiL in Ohio loaded with pictures!! We haven't had any in a while and these were like water on parched ground!

This is our oldest granddaughter MissT with little sister (grandaughter #3) MissK! So nice that all the girls have names that have different first letters!!

MissK looks like she is quite a character! She is 9 months old but was born 3 months early - so she is up to 15 lbs, and I hear she is starting to crawl!
Last time we saw them in August she was only 5 months but was still acting only 2-3 months old. So it looks like she is watching big sister and working on catching up!

MissT is 5 3/4 and is also quite a cutie - she loves craft and art projects of any kind. She is totally horse crazy - and since I was a horse crazy little girl when I was young we have had fun drawing horses and coloring them together!

Yea! I love picture days!!


someone else said...

Oh my goodness, they are so cute!! They have the jolliest expressions on their faces.

Emily said...

so adorable! i love the one of miss K with her mouth open. too cute!

i hope your cold is going away :)

Emily said...

hi again grandi!

i tagged you for a meme. :)