Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A Fun Meme

Tammy, over at Kentucky Gal had a fun meme - so I thought I'd join the fun! Tag yourself and join in!

Accent--Suuuthern Californian
Bible book I like--I go back to Proverbs again and again - 31 chapters, perfect for 1 a day for the month!
Chore I don't care for--Vaccuming - thank goodness hubby doesn't mind!
Dog or cat--neither any more - but I do love dogs!
Essential electronics--not sure if this qualifies, but air conditioner and dishwasher!! I also spend a lot of time on the computer!
Favorite movie--recently Pirates of the Caribbean part 2 Dead Man's Chest...The new Superman movie too - this latest Superman is the sexiest yet!!!
Gold or silver--Wear mostly silver, but my wedding ring is gold
Handbag I carry most often--I'm not a real purse person - It has to hold my phone, wallet, mints, lipstick, have a few pockets to organize that stuff, and hang over my shoulder. What I really like is just using a fanny pack - but they just don't look that great!!
Insomnia--rarely - unless I get to thinking too much!
Job title--I've had several, yardage store clerk, bank teller, mortuary secretary/hair/makeup person, HR/Payroll/Benefits Administrator, and my favorites - - Mom and Wife!
Kids--2 grown sons, both married, one in Ohio with a 4-yr old daughter, one in San Diego, CA with a 1-yr old daughter

Living arrangements--Hubby and I live in a 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment with a small deck and garage in a gated community. Looking forward to retireing to a wonderful large home we have purchased and are now renting out in a Northern State
Most memorable moment/time--lots - but a couple special ones - taking my (then)80-yr young parents on their first cruise to Alaska - this completed their goal of travel in all 50 states! And spending 3 weeks traveling in England with Morning Glory and husband.
Naughtiest childhood behavior--scratching the (hated)neighbor boy's name in another neighbor's car - my parents had to pay to have it repainted. (Still humiliating!!)
Overnight hospital stay--couple of surgeries, 2 children (no meds by the way - it was the age of "natural" childbirth!)
Phobias--small closed areas and heights - although it has gotten better over the years - sometimes you just have to suck it up and go there!
Quote--from my dad, "Mind over matter - if you don't(or decide not to) mind, then it doesn't matter".
Religion--Christian, saved and kept by grace and mercy by the Lord Jesus Christ!
Siblings--1 younger brother - lives in Sacramento area near his kids.
Time I wake up--Alarm goes off at 5:15 during the week - my preference, however, is 7!!
Unusual talent--throwing clay on a wheel - I can also touch my nose with my tongue! HA!!
Vegetable I refuse to eat--I ate turnup greens thinking it was spinach once - I will not make that mistake again!! I'll only eat okra if it is well hidden in gumbo!
Worst habit--Probably overeating things I love - like desserts and chips - I have a hard time stopping, then am frustrated with myself for my lack of control!
Xrays--yes...get those annual mammograms!
Yummy stuff I cook(or make)--lots of things - homemade chocolate malt ice cream, scallops/shrimp in garlic butter sauce, carrot cake (to die for!), Pork chops in shallot cream sauce - - I could go on - - !
Zoo animals I like most--almost anything but monkeys, they give me the creeps!!


TJ said...

Yahhh...blogger seems to be back up!!!
Loved that you did the Meme...glad you mentioned the Mamograms...they are so important!!!
My granddaugher hated the monkey cages at the Columbus zoo...and grandson was asked later what he learned at the zoo...he said some monkey's have red butts!!!

someone else said...

I love the quote by your dad, and I'm with you on the England trip being super special.

Buffy said...

Holy smoke! How can you not be a handbag person?

"Grandi" said...

Hi Buffy - I just hate having to mess with them. I carry them for utility more than anything! HA!!