Monday, May 15, 2006

My "2 Things"

Sounded like fun - so here goes!

2 things you compliment your husand on while in his presence

1. His terrific voice
2. His blue eyes

2 compliments you make about your husband to your friends

1. He's a very caring and loving man
2. He's extremely loyal

2 traits you married him for
1. He was cute
2. He had a great voice

2 days you cherished being together the most with your husband
1. The day we said good-bye to our home of 30 years
2. The day we had our first son (I need 3 here) & the day we had our 2nd son!

2 material things you would give your husband if you just inherited a fortune
1. His dream car
2. A Baltic Sea Cruise

2 things you would miss the most if he left for two weeks
1. His hugs
2. Eating dinner with him

2 thoughts that crossed your mind when you first met/saw your husband
1. He's really cute
2. How can I get him my phone number without embarassing myself?

2 favorite dates
1. Christmas Eve a few months after we met
2. Our 37th anniversary weekend last summer at a wonderful beach resort & spa!

2 funny odd things you love about your husband
1. His fingers get very twitchy when I have the clicker - he can hardly stand it!
2. He says he can't go to sleep before 11pm, but he falls asleep in his chair several times in the evening if he is watching tv!

2 places you have lived with your husband
1. LA County, California
2. Orange County, California

2 favorite vacations
1. England
2. Mississippi River Boat cruise

1 comment:

someone else said...

That was a fun meme. I'm glad you did it too.

See you soon!