Tuesday, August 22, 2006

On Friendship

"A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strengths; feels your fears but fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities." (William Arthur Ward)

Aren't friends grand? This last 2 months (yes, that's how quickly dad went from apparent health to death) friends have been even more special than usual! We always have fun together, but when there is sadness, friendship takes on a new dimension.

There's Kathy - who I have only had occasional contact with in the last 35 years or so, you know, birthday and Christmas cards. We reconnected by email again over the last year - we met in the 5th grade, and she loved my folks and cried with mom and me over my dad's passing. She has been an unexpected source of strength for my mom by sharing how important she and dad were in her life when we were growing up together.

There's Morning Glory - we got the news when were at their house - she and the good Dr supplied hugs and lifted us up that weekend with their love.

Chris and Ron, who had opened their home to us during our homeless days, and are wonderful friends, invited us to stay for dinner the night we got home from the airport - we had to go sign papers with the funeral director - and they loved us and picked our spirits up after a long travel day.

Dave and Jeanne - love my folks and visited dad in the hospital. He didn't especially want folks to come and see him sick. But they came and loved him and cheered him - he and mom both really appreciated their visit. They are dear friends through thick and thin.

Pastor and Jan - they love mom and dad too, and went to see them in the hospital - Pastor has a wonderful voice and he sang an old favorite hymn to my dad. He came again by himself a few days later, to make sure there was no question about daddy going to heaven. That was the best of gifts.

My other good friends; Chris M, Phyllis, Terry, Barb, Mike S - friends who prayed and encouraged and called and emailed and let us know they were there for us. It was so special that our kids were able to come and visit before he got so sick at the end, and those were precious times for him - and us!

And then you - my blog-buddies, with your prayers and your sweet messages of care and concern. I appreciate you all - you lift me up!


TJ said...

(((hugs))) Grandi!!
You are a pretty good blessin' yourself!!

someone else said...

Friendship -- the greatest gift! We love you guys and are looking forward to the next visit.

kpjara said...

Friends are an absolute blessing and staple in life!