Monday, June 19, 2006

Father's Day

We spent the day with my folks yesterday - I have to admit I was nervous to see my dad, knowing that he is now on oxygen to help him breathe. Silly, really, but I couldn't get that feeling out of the pit of my stomach! Hubby understood - he has lost both of his parents to cancer in the last few years.

We got there in time for hubby to watch the end of the golf tournement with dad. I can't really explain why I was so nervous - but that vanished as soon as I saw him. He is a bit "puny", and had the oxygen thing in his nose, but since he has a moustache and beard you really don't even see it. When he lays down it is harder for him to breathe, so he is not sleeping well - I'm sure that has a lot to do with the puniness. However, "dad" is still there! Still more interested in what is going on around him than what he is experiencing and still able to give a good "dad hug"!

We had a nice time visiting and catching up on not only his progress, but the grandkids, my mom's painting projects (she is an artist!), our new house, apartment and anything else that popped up! They have a wonderful neighbor - Mike - who is about our age, a widower, and a motivational speaker. He is quite a neat guy and has sort of adopted my folks, and they - him. He called, and was on his way back from his mom's house in New Mexico (drove it in one day!!) to see if it was time for a glass of wine! He came straight to their house to see my folks, and share the pictures of his latest handiwork at his mom's house. It was fun to have him and another good diversion for dad, and hubby and I got to know him better! We had taken enough filet mignon (yummmm!) to share so he stayed for dinner too!

Mike drove home (about 50 yds!) after dinner and we stayed a little longer. We could tell dad was tiring so we headed home after pie. They see the oncologist on Tuesday about noon and will have a better idea on treatment and prognosis. He has dialysis today, so they were going to have to figure out how to work the portable oxygen thing. Once he gets that going he won't have to be so house bound. They are both outdoors people and usually very active. So if he can get out a little it will surely lift his spirits.

Thank you for your continued prayers for them!


TJ said...

Glad you got to see your daddy and of course still praying for him and you that you will be stengthened and comforted during this time.

someone else said...

Hi there, from Carson City, NV! I'm so glad you had such a great day Sunday. We have good traveling today and are vegging out at the hotel now.

Your dad is in our prayers. I hope the news on Tuesday is encouraging.

Diane Viere said...

You are a good daughter. We are still praying for your Dad--and for your entire family. Dad's are very special--and it is always so hard to see them suffer.
